ByzPi Install Instructions
First, make sure that you have a fresh Raspbian image installed on your SD card. When setting up the image don't forget to expand the partition and select the correct keymap for your keyboard. By default it uses a UK keymap which makes things difficult if you have a US keyboard.
- Install Raspbian to an SD card.
- Make sure you have "sudo" installed and that your user is a member of the "sudo" group.
Easy way:
Use the install script by running:
wget && bash
Manual instructions:
Add our repo
deb wheezy main contrib
Install our signing key
sudo apt-key add public.key
Install git and puppet
sudo apt-get install git puppet
This may take about 15 minutes depending on your Internet speed.
Checkout our repository
git clone git://
Install the 'byzpi' puppet module
sudo ln -sf "$(pwd)/ByzPi/puppet-etc/modules/byzpi/" /etc/puppet/modules/byzpi
Apply the puppet config
sudo puppet apply -e 'include byzpi'
This may take about half an hour depending on your Internet speed.
Reboot your Pi
sudo reboot